Dress Code and Club Etiquette at Blackmoor Golf Club
Blackmoor is a modern, progressive private members' golf club that values appropriate behaviour both on and off the course, along with respect for the etiquette of the game. While we prioritise conduct over appearance, certain dress standards are upheld to avoid any misunderstandings or embarrassment. Below, you'll find our guidelines on dress code and general etiquette.
Dress Code on the Course
Acceptable Attire:
Clean golfing attire
Tailored trousers and shorts (above the knee) for men
Tailored long and cropped trousers, skirts, and skorts for women
Short white socks or coloured long socks with shorts for men
Men's shirts must be tucked in at all times
Hats and baseball caps with the peak facing forward
Unacceptable Attire:
Dirty, torn, or ripped clothing
Denim jeans
Low round or "V" necked t-shirts, football shirts
Clothing with large or offensive slogans
Track or leisure suits
Cropped trousers for men
Cargo shorts
Sun tops of any kind
Non-golfing shoes on the course or practice ground for players
Dress Code in the Clubhouse
The course dress code applies in the clubhouse with the following exceptions:
Smart denim jeans (of any colour) are acceptable, provided they are not torn or worn below the hip.
Tailored shorts may be worn with any colour socks, or no socks if loafers are worn.
Clean, dry, moulded sole golf shoes are permitted in the lounge bar area, except from 1st November 1st to 31st March. Cleated or spiked golf shoes are not allowed.
Jackets and ties (or equivalent attire for women) are always appreciated in the Dining Room, though they are not required unless specified by the event organiser.
The following are not permitted:
T-shirts, running or cargo shorts, football or rugby shirts, leggings, or cropped trousers for men
Wet or soiled clothing, including golf rainwear
Sun tops of any kind
Leisure suits
Hats of any description inside the clubhouse (permitted on the balcony for sun protection)
Golf shoes in the dining room
Crocs, Sliders or flip-flops, except in the changing room
Mobile Devices and Smoking/Vaping
We would like to remind you of the club's guidelines regarding mobile phone usage and Wi-Fi access, both within the clubhouse and on the course:
Wi-Fi is available in the clubhouse for checking emails and browsing the internet.
Mobile phones must be set to silent, and voice calls are prohibited within the clubhouse.
On the course, mobile phones may only be used in emergencies. However, the use of phones for distance measuring apps and inputting scores on IG is permitted.
For safety reasons, the club strongly encourages all members to carry a fully charged mobile phone on the course in case of emergency situations.
Smoking or vaping is not allowed anywhere in the clubhouse, including on the balcony.
No member, nor member's guest, is allowed to bring food or drink into the Clubhouse for consumption.
Playing Etiquette
We aim to ensure that everyone enjoys their time at Blackmoor Golf Club. This requires considerate behaviour that does not disrupt the experience of other members or visitors.
Tee Time:
Your start time is according to the clubhouse clock visible from the first tee. Please do not start earlier or later.
Slow Play:
Be considerate of others by maintaining a good pace. If your group is slower, allow faster groups to play through. As a guideline, a fourball should complete their round in 4 hours.
Course Care:
Please help us maintain the course in the excellent condition you expect by replacing divots and repairing pitch marks, even if they aren't your own.
Our bunkers are challenging to play even when properly raked, but if left unraked, they can become nearly unplayable. Please ensure you rake the bunker thoroughly before leaving it. The R&A recommends placing the rake outside the bunker at the point of least interference"ā€¯ideally parallel to the line of play and far enough away so it won't put the next player in a difficult position, such as dealing with a steep, hanging lie.
Do not take trolleys or buggies on green fringes or between greenside bunkers and greens or on the tee boxes.
Do not take trolleys or buggies into the heather.
If you need to 'take relief' on the course, please do so discreetly by finding a secluded spot, such as behind the bushes.
Dogs must not be taken into the Clubhouse, Pro Shop, or the locker rooms at any time, or onto the course when competitions with start sheets or team matches are being played. At all times dogs must be kept on a lead. Any dog mess must be picked up and taken away and must not be thrown into the litter bins.
Practising on any part of the course with more than two balls is prohibited.
The use of a personal buggy is restricted to members who have a physical handicap or temporary medical condition which would otherwise prevent them from playing. Permission must first be obtained from the Committee before using a personal buggy.
Priority on the Course:
Priority is given to those further advanced in their round. Be mindful of your proximity to others in terms of noise and movement between greens and tees.
Members may not start play on the course before 7.30am and green-keeping staff shall continue to have priority on the course until 9.00am.
Only the 1st and 10th tees are to be used as starting points and members may not start from the 10th tee, if there are already players on the 9th hole. If the tee is not reserved, players finishing on the 18th hole are entitled to alternate with those waiting to start on the 1st tee provided they are either playing extra holes in a knock-out match or have started from the 10th tee at a time when the 1st tee was closed for a competition or for a society or club match booking. In all other cases players finishing the 18th hole do not have any priority over those waiting to start on the 1st tee and must join the back of the queue.
Personal Conduct
All members, guests, and visitors must sign in at the Pro Shop/Office before each round. Non-compliance with dress or etiquette codes may result in being prohibited from playing.
Members are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to the club's codes. Non-compliance may result in guests being barred from future play and membership application.
Blackmoor Golf Club believes that it is the responsibility of everybody involved in our club to ensure it remains a safe place, free from discrimination, fear and where possible, risk.
In doing so we ask that you:
Treat everyone equally and do not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability
Help to create an environment where all have an equal opportunity to participate
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone with mutual trust and respect
If you see any form of discrimination, do not condone it or allow it to go unchallenged, and report to the General Manager as soon as possible
Maintain the well-being and safety of all individuals
Promote the positive aspects of golf when representing yourself or the club (e.g. fair play, honesty and etiquette)
We will not tolerate any form of:
Verbal, physical, sexual and emotional abuse including harassment or bullying
Verbal abuse or harassment towards staff and other workers at the club
Offensive and insulting written/email communications to staff, workers, committee representatives or other members
Wilful damage to the course, equipment, clubhouse or its surroundings
Wilful behaviour which does meet the requirements of the Blackmoor Safe Golf Policy and Rules, and/or detracts from the image and reputation of the Club
Illegal behaviour such as smoking/vaping indoors (including the clubhouse balcony) or consuming illegal or performance enhancing drugs or stimulants
Excessive foul language/loud swearing, in the clubhouse and on the course
Posting hurtful comments or personal attacks on social networking sites
Drunkenness which leads to offensive behaviour
Any form of cheating, which may include deliberate manipulation of handicap.
Disciplinary Process:
Please refer to the Club's disciplinary regulations outlined in the Safe Golf Policy and Rules sections of our website. Specifically, the process categories are as follows:
ONE OFF INCIDENT: An event which is uncharacteristic of an individual's normal behaviour.
Sanction: Verbal conversation/warning.
MISCONDUCT: A one-off incident, or repetitive behaviour which demonstrates a disregard for the Policies, Rules and Regulations of the Club.
Sanction: Verbal/Written Warning.
SERIOUS MISCONDUCT: A one-off incident, or repetitive behaviour which demonstrates a serious/malicious disregard for the Policies, Rules and Regulation of the Club.
Sanction: Final Written Warning and/or Suspension.
GROSS MISCONDUCT: A one-off incident, or repetitive behaviour which is harmful, wilful and/or shows no regard for the Policies, Rules and Regulations of the Club, or UK law.
Sanction: Membership Revocation.
Any Sanction applied will reflect the circumstances surrounding the event(s) and the severity of the misconduct.
Any breaches of this code of conduct will be subject to our disciplinary procedures and dealt with immediately by the Captains Committee, supported by the Management Committee as appropriate.
We encourage all members and visitors to familiarise themselves with this code, respect our standards, and enjoy their time at Blackmoor Golf Club.
Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests observe the dress code at all times.