1. Because of the difficulties in the main winter months with providing
a measured course for qualifying competitions to meet the Congu
regulations, the Captain's Committee has decided that any individual
men's competitions played in the months of December, January and
February will be non-qualifying for handicap purposes. This means
that the Christmas Cup and the January and February stablefords
will be non-qualifying competitions for handicap purposes.
2. There will also be some Congu changes in 2016. First the calendar
year will now run from 1st January to 31st December with effect
from 1st January 2016. This means that members wishing to retain a
competition "c" handicap in 2016 must return at least three
qualifying scores for handicap purposes by 31st December.
3. With effect from 1st January 2016 the handicap allowance in four-
ball better-ball golf will be increased from 75% to 90% in both
stroke play and match play.
4. As the Penang Trophy has already started, the 75% allowance will
continue to apply in that competition until it is finished. The 90%
allowance will however apply in 2016 to all other Seniors matches.
5. There are no changes to the handicap allowances in individual match
play (full difference) and foursomes play (half the combined