
Blackmoor Golf Club

Heathland Restoration & Bunker Renovation Project

Blackmoor Golf Club recently began work on a heathland restoration and bunker refurbishment project that reientroduced many of the design philosophies and features originally laid out by the course architect Harry Colt in 1913.

Phase one of the project, which began in autumn 2021, is now complete and involved work to holes 6,7, 13, 14 and 15.

The work included upgrading and reshaping of the bunkers, improvements to course visibility and enhancements to the course aesthetics and ecology. 

Blackmoor is fortunate that it sits on the Hampshire and Surrey sand belt, an enviable location which helps to ensure that the course is rarely closed or has temporary greens regardless of rainfall levels.

The refurbishment project will further enhance this unique course characteristic by installing liners and drainage to the bunkers to alleviate flooding and improve sand consistency.

Hole 6


Hole 7


Hole 13


Course Architects

The project has been designed by notable golf course architects, LOBB + Partners, who were appointed by the club four years ago to formulise a work strategy that would restore and enhance the course and rienstate Colt's artisry. 

Most of the work was carried out by sports turf contractor, Profusion Environmental. 

The project, which will be implemented in phases over a three-year period and include work to all 18-holes, will improve the playability of Blackmoor’s top 100 golf course and ensure an enjoyable challenge to all levels of golfers.

For more information on the project email:

Hole 14


Hole 15


To find out more about our heathland restoration and course ecology programme please contact us.

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